Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Few, the Obsessed, the Socially Awkward

We wouldn't be true Pop Dweebs unless we linked you to this great article on Oh No They Didn't!...

Top 25 Geeks in Movies: The Few, the Obsessed, the Socially Awkward

If I, (Itty Bitty), had to be a character on that list, I would be:

16. Enid in 'Ghost World' (2001)
Geek-tress: Thora Birch
Geekery Focus: Vintage stuff, vinyl records, hating happy people
Geek Quote: "That's not true. I just hate all these extroverted, obnoxious, pseudo-bohemian losers."
Geek-Down: Enid did geek chic way before American Apparel became popular. The most bitter geek on the list, her self-deprecating humor and hatred of anyone not socially inept rival any of Janeane Garofalo's standup acts. She's likely such a great character because she was born from the mind of a comics geek, Daniel Clowes. Yet the thing that really sets her apart is she sleeps with a character played by Steve Buscemi. What better geek love it there than that?
But did you notice how few females were included on the list? The Pop Dweebs are proud to represent for female geeks, dorks and dweebs.
--Itty Bitty

Monday, August 2, 2010

Movies Itty Bitty DOESN'T Want to See

While waiting for Inception to start over this past weekend, I was forced to sit through the entire, full-length trailer for The Social Network:

Can someone please explain the appeal of this movie to me? Because I just don't get it.

I won't even get into the AWFUL choral rendition of Radiohead's "Creep" that was played throughout the trailer in the theaters. It was an excruciatingly wretched cover. It sent shivers down my spine. Yuck.

I don't even want to sign in to Facebook, let alone sit through an entire two-hour movie about the website. And then, to make matters worse, they cast that tool Justin Timberlake. He totally cancels out any cool factor points won for appearances by Rashida Jones and Brenda Song.

Besides, the masters of pop culture comedy have already done Facebook. Sorry, Aaron Sorkin, but I'll stick with re-watching my South Park episode:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pacey Witter is the Greatest Character in Television History. Ever. Period.

As a teenager attending a wealthy, mostly-white public school in Seattle, the single most important television program of our generation was Dawson's Creek. Yes, you read that correctly and no, I'm not kidding. I'm being entirely serious.

To not watch Dawson's Creek was social suicide. I had dance class on whatever night Dawson's Creek aired, so I had to set up my VCR (remember those?) to record every episode. I woke up early the next morning (and I am NOT a morning person) in order to catch up before the inevitable episode recaps that took place amongst my classmates throughout the ensuing school day.

A few more examples to stress the pivotal role the Creek played in our privileged teenage existence:

  • One of my girlfriends bought every single article of clothing that Joey Potter wore on the show. Do you remember the Abercrombie outfit Joey wore in the opening credits during one of the earlier seasons- an off-white cardigan with two varsity stripes on the sleeve? My girlfriend recreated that outfit from head-to-toe and purposefully wore it in her yearbook picture.
  • On vacations in Josh Jackson's hometown of Vancouver, B.C., my girlfriends and I would stalk all his old stomping grounds. Somewhere at my mom's house, I have photos of me and my friends in front of Josh Jackson's childhood home and elementary school. I also have pictures and an autographed photo from when I met James Van Der Beek shortly after the Season 1 premiere, but that's another story.

Ah, those were the good ol' days. Back before Twi-Hards. When you were either Team Dawson, or Team Pacey. I know I'm not the only person approaching her 10-year High School Reunion "who devoted their lives to Pacey." So it is with great pleasure that I bring you Pacey-Con:

Pacey-Con 2011 is just around the corner, so start writing your fan fiction now!

--Itty Bitty

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Please do not say these words

Itty Bitty here, and I need to vent. I find the following words inherently stupid and annoying, and moreover, offensive to the English language:

  • Jeggings
  • Jorts

I'm sure the pretty girl fashionista in New York or L.A. who came up with those dumbass words is treating herself to to expensive cocktails in honor of her brilliance. But I think she's an idiot.

Also, unless you are fifteen years old, you probably shouldn't be wearing denim leggings or cut-off jean shorts.

Thanks for listening to me vent!

-Itty Bitty

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Disney Channel is Taking Over the World One Tween at a Time

Or should I say one twenty-something with daddy issues at a time? 

So Disney and Target are creating a clothing line called D-Signed. (Get it? Cute, right?) The clothing line will be based on a few of Disney Channel's popular characters, starting with Demi Lovato's character, Sonny Munroe from "Sonny with a Chance". I have to admit, I love the clothes and I am wondering if they will come out in adult super-size plus sizes, because I secertly want to dress like Selena and Demi. 

Speaking of Selena and Demi, remember how they used to be BFF's and would go on each other's show. In fact, Selena brought Demi to a "Wizards if Waverly Place" taping and had her sing in front of Disney executives. Soon after, Demi got the part in "Camp Rock". Well, now they are SO not BFF's. Selena has Taylor Swift, y'all and Demi...well...according to the whispers...there was a reason why she was dating a Jonai, it was to clean up her image. 

You see, it's obvious that Miley is going to berserk, but what I am waiting for is for Demi to go wild in public and it's starting to happen! The rumors of her drug use is pretty rampant and she just went on record to say Kim Kardashian is her style icon. I love me some Kardashians as much as the next TV addict does, but I want to laugh at them not be associated with them or to remind anyone of them. Not to mention, she's a cutter. Plus, she loves her Twitter as much as Lindsay loves her Twitter...This could get interesting, dweebs.       


I Love Tracy Morgan So Much, I Wanna Take Him Out Behind a Middle-School and Get Him Pregnant

Exciting news you all, Tracy Morgan is getting his own HBO special!

I am so glad that this will be on HBO. Tracy Morgan should never be censored. I would not want to watch him on like Comedy Central or something like that. 

The only problem is that I don't have HBO. I know, it's tragic story too. You see I grew up in a wonderful household that stole satellite channels (What's funny is that my dad's a cop and my mom is a conservative Christian). We would get all the premium channels, movie channels, and sometimes, we got to watch shows days early because we catch the satellite feeds to the stations. It was the greatest thing ever and it helped me become the TV addict I am today. 

But now, I am with a wonderful and honest man. A man who gets nervous when I buy our movie tickets at the child's price and a man who is a super budgeter. While I know these are great qualities in a man, I miss my HBO and Starz.

Anyways, back to Tracy Morgan. You see I love him because, he reminds me of my best friend, Bubba. They are both the fun kind of crazy. I love the fun kind of crazy, because when you go out with someone who is the fun kind of crazy, you know that he is going to get into a crazy fight and rant about something that has NOTHING to do with your conversations, some laws will be broken, and he will some how end up naked. What more can you ask for on a Saturday night?

They will be filming the special in September and it will be airing in November. So I have five months to figure out how to watch it for free.

Live every week like it's Shark Week,


Tuesday, July 20, 2010